"The appropriation for a house should be divided into two equal parts, one-half for the house, the other for the gardens, pathways, court, approach, terrace and the rest of it, or, as it might be termed, one-half for the pudding, the other for the sauce." Architect Thomas Hastings
Head of the Philadelphia branch of the American Ambulance, has donated seventy-five thousand dollars to found a school in Paris for the technical training of permanently disabled soldiers. This gift was in response to a plea made by President Poincare for the establishment of several such schools in France. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stotesbury have been active in war relief work since the outbreak of hostilities. One of the field hospitals in the north of France is supported by them, and they have contributed lavishly to numerous philanthropies for the benefit of wounded soldiers and destitute children.
I can see the kindness and empathy and compassion in her face! In her eyes....one can completely see the love! Honestly!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, knowing you, she lived in a beautiful house!! Where was it?
Mistress of "Whitemarsh Hall".