Friday, July 28, 2017

The Keeper of the Gate - "INISFADA"

   Among the most picturesque features of the English countryside are the sturdy lodges that guard the entrance gates to the great estates.

Built to last down the ages, they are as permanent a part of the landscape as the lordly homes they guard or the trees themselves.

But the charming little gate lodge pictured here is not—although it might well be—in England.

 It is the gate keeper's lodge at "Inisfada", the country home of Nicholas F. Brady, Esq., at Roslyn, Long Island.

Follow THIS LINK for more on the gate lodge of "Inisfada". 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

"I LOVE THE FLAVOR OF CAMELS" says Miss Evelyn Cameron Watts


"I never get tired of the smooth Camel flavor—the last one I smoke at night tastes just as good as the first in the morning," says the charming debutante daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dorsey Watts of New York and Baltimore. "And Camels are very mild, too—even when I've smoked a lot, Camels never upset my nerves. And if I'm tired I find that smoking a Camel seems to refresh me—gives me a 'lift' that makes me ready to start all over again."

Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS ...Turkish and Domestic... than any other popular brand

It is true that your energy is increased by smoking a Camel. It releases your latent energy in a safe and natural way. When tired, a Camel will drive fatigue and irritability away, and never affect your nerves. 


Mrs. Nicholas Biddle - Philadelphia

Miss Mary Byrd - Richmond

Mrs. Powell Cabot - Boston

Mrs. Thomas M. Carnegie Jr. - New York

Mrs. J. Gardner Coolidge, 2nd - Boston

Mrs. Henry Field - Chicago

Miss Anne Gould - New York

Mrs. James Russell Lowell - New York

Mrs. Potter d'Orsay Palmer - Chicago

Friday, July 21, 2017

"TREETOPS" A Small Country House Done in the Italian Manner at Oyster Bay, L. I.

A good idea of the color treatment of "Treetops" is given by the artist John Floyd Yewell. 

Like Peter Pan's house, Treetops, being situated on the top of a thickly wooded knoll, gives one a real impression of being high up in the trees - a situation which insures absolute privacy as well. The screened-in porch beneath the master's bedroom is an unusual and wholly delightful feature, being integral with the house and glassed in during the winter months. The brightly colored bas-reliefs set in the stucco add a characteristic Italian touch.

The French windows of the dining room open on to a little terrace commanding a lovely view of the woods below. The graceful figure on the wall fountain is done in brilliant flesh tints against a cerulean blue background.

Set in a frame of cool green foliage, the warm glow of the stucco is enhanced by the emerald note of the door and the balcony railing, and the brilliant orange of the wine jars that flank the entrance that is highly effective.

Reginald T. Townsend, Editor Country Life in America.

The house was built for Reginald T. Townsend by Architect LOUIS S. WEEKS in 1925. It was during his decade-long tenure as Editor at Country Life in America that he traveled to Alberta and took the first of many journeys with the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies. In 1952 the New England Society established the Reginald T. Townsend Award to recognize outstanding achievement representing the finest attributes of the New England character.

Its location and status is unknown to me.