"The appropriation for a house should be divided into two equal parts, one-half for the house, the other for the gardens, pathways, court, approach, terrace and the rest of it, or, as it might be termed, one-half for the pudding, the other for the sauce." Architect Thomas Hastings
Monday, March 31, 2014
A planting on the estate of E. T. Stotesbury, Esq., Chestnut Hill, Pa.
A planting on the estate of E. T. Stotesbury, Esq., Chestnut Hill, Pa. Jacques Greber, Esq., landscape architect Landscape Planting by Lewis & Valentine Company
Follow THIS LINK for all past posts on "Whitemarsh Hall".
This is a quite early view of the so-called "Shady Garden" at Whitemarsh Hall. It was taken in June or July, 1919; the furnishing of the house is not yet complete in this view, and the interior of the West Loggia (West Tea Room) was under construction.
This is a quite early view of the so-called "Shady Garden" at Whitemarsh Hall. It was taken in June or July, 1919; the furnishing of the house is not yet complete in this view, and the interior of the West Loggia (West Tea Room) was under construction.